Dear Family...

From Italy!!!!

The way to access the wireless here is
to sit up in the sitting room, open the window, and place your laptop
on the window ledge.  Needless to say, we don't venture into
cyberspace very often. =)

Oh, there are so many things I wish I could tell you about this trip!
I really can't capture the feel of the place with words.  It is
absolutely gorgeous, and actually, a lot like California.  It has been
more temperate, lately, but the heat is supposed to return tomorrow.
Having a pool in the backyard is a wonderful thing when there are six
kids to take care of on a hot summer day!

We have actually been at home for the most part since we got here.  We
did have one night in Florence, which was AMAZING!  I could walk the
streets of old towns for quite a while and not get bored.  It was so
interesting to walk around at night and take in the sights, sounds,
and smells.  Actually, it was quite clean.  It was so cute to take the
kids out the next morning (we had arrived after dark) and see the
looks on their faces when they saw that the empty streets had been
transformed overnight into daytime markets.  There were so many more people,
compared to the night before and there were "stores" where there had
just been plain street at night.  Of course, "gelato" is their new
favorite word!  As there is a gelateria on every corner (literally!),
it was easy to indulge this new taste.

Jason turns out to be a wonderful Italian driver, though he doesn't
seem to appreciate the "weaving" motion of the traffic.  As he put it,
it is "completely disorganized."  I, actually, love the driving here.
It really is not that much different than Portugal, except for the
millions of scooter-bikes here.  They are necessary in the city
because of the extremely narrow streets.  What a wonder that the
entire city is covered in cobblestone or stone/brick buildings.  The
"Duomo" (main Cathedral) in Florence was absolutely breathtaking!  It
is so humongous.  You actually can't see the whole thing if you stand
next to it and look up.  The carvings are so ornate.  I was just
struck by the fact that human hands made this...what a bit of
determination to complete such an impressive masterpiece without a
single piece of electronic or diesel-powered equipment!  I could just
picture all the craftsmen at work as they slaved away to carve each
finger, curl of ribbon, or facial expression on the many statuettes
within the building's walls.  We can actually see the Duomo from where
we are, 20 minutes away from the city.

As for our place here, it is simply perfect.  The couple that rents it
out live in the refurbished barn to the side of the house.  The whole
place is actually an old olive and wine farm.  There are three main
buildings on the property.  I can't remember what the first was,
originally, but it was built in the 1200s and converted to a residence
in the 1800s.  Our "humble abode" is so large, you could fit three
families in it, comfortably!  There are two kitchens (we only use
one), and I think seven bedrooms, we left three unused.  Each room has
its own full bathroom.  In addition, there are three sitting/living
rooms.  This building used to be the place they pressed and prepared
the olives.  Can you imagine?  I'm at a place where I'm sure a girl my
age was 800 years ago!  Think of all the life that has been lived on
this farm!

The sunsets here are like paintings, and everywhere you look, it seems
like a postcard.  We are nestled in the rolling hills, upon which the
farmers have left nothing bare.  The result is a beautiful collage of
a square of the parallel lines of a vineyard and a patch of the dull
blue-grey leaves of the olive trees.  Anything that has not been
farmed is filled in with whatever vegetation will grow there.  Our
position at the top of one hill provides the perfect conditions for a
wonderful, constant breeze on one side of the house.  You know how
much I like the wind in my face!  That alone gives me so much joy in
the evenings when it really picks up and the golden sun kisses all our

Tomorrow, we are heading to the beach.  I'm sure it will be an
excitement.  It is interesting trying to make plans not only for nine
people, but for nine people, of whom SIX are kids under age 9.  It has
been wonderful to have three adults, because we can each claim two.
People, of course, can't imagine why a family would have six kids,
much less, why they would want to TRAVEL with them!  It's been fun,

I will say, though....  After two days of traveling, we were all very
tired.  So many memories flooded back to me--some that I didn't even
know I had.  Hearing all the little conflicts and resolutions,
excitements and worries, questions, silliness, and all
reminded me of another family with six kids and of a few little trips
we took of our own.  It reminded me of a patient and loving Mom and
Dad and of all the energy it took for them.  Thanks, Dad.  They were
all wonderful experiences for me and for us.  I could never have
appreciated all you did, have done, and are doing for me and my
siblings as much as I do now had I not witnessed this all-too-familiar
familial interaction.  I know that I still will not know the half of
it until they are my kids, but from what little I do know, I want to
say thanks.

In addition to these memories that came from my subconscious, my mind
was flooded with memories of Mom as I walked through the halls of the
house and inspected each bedroom.  Not only would she have loved to
have visited Italy and learned about all the ancient history here or
have relished living in a piece of that history and a gorgeous house for a month
with the most gorgeous weather, but also she would have decorated the interior
and exterior almost exactly the way it stands.  On the outside, your nose
is greeted with so many wonderful smells and your eyes take in the
splash of colors that are scattered throughout the immediate
property.  Everything from buttercups and daisies to jasmine and all
colors of roses surround the house and wind their way down to the
pool.  Inside the house, each room has a distinct, but simple color
scheme and each door is painted a different color.  In my room, for
example, the door to the room is painted a lavender-purple in an
antique style (some white showing through), while the door to my
bathroom is a cream color with a vine of leaves painted on, framing
the corners.  More vines sprawl over the door outside my room, along
with a slight lattice work.  When I saw those details, I could not
help but think of the many times Mom took out her paintbrush and went
to work.  I could almost hear her voice singing and feel the energy
she brought to wherever she was.  I miss her so much!

Well, that's all for now.  I hope you enjoyed the description!

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